Good News

With Omicron, Experts Explain What Could Help Permanently Defeat Covid

With a new version that forces vaccine makers to retest Jab, a virus that causes Covid-19 has proven to be very unpredictable.
But the latest variants to swept the Globe have persuaded some old experts hoping – for collective immunity to be seen, and that this virus might evolve into a relatively benign seasonal disease.

Omicron has proven to be very contagious, infecting people thinking of having an immunity given by vaccines or battles with the disease itself.

But while Omicron drives a number of cases in countries around the world, this disease is generally less severe, compared to the previous variant.

More people get Omicron and restore, combined with more vaccinations, can be the key to increasing the collective defense against almost all covid forms, some experts say.

The lower level of hospitalization because Omicron also suggested Covid-19 may develop into a weaker form, similar to Coronavirus circulating in the general population.

“Maybe we witness the beginning of the evolution towards a more superficial virus like the others we know,” Alain Fischer said, who coordinated the French pandemic vaccine response.

Clinical Virologists Julian Tang reacts to the UK study on the lower severity of Omicron, saying he imagines one day recurring vaccination and other steps will only be needed for the most vulnerable.

“I still hope that the virus will eventually become more like other common cold coronavirus – maybe for the next one to two years,” he said.

This allegation has been adopted by public health officials.

Speaking before the legislature this week, the French Minister of Health Olivier Veran said, “Maybe this will be a wave that allows us to get a kind of immunity”.

Previously, his Israeli partner, Nachman Ash, told the Israeli radio station which was a flock of “possible” immunity.

“But we don’t want to achieve it by means of infection,” he said. “We want it to happen as a result of more people who are vaccinated.”

In Israel, two-thirds of the population are fully vaccinated. This week the government approved the fourth Jab for people over 60 and health workers in an effort to fight the virus without using locking.


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