Good News

Taliban delegation to hold humanitarian talks in Norway

The Taliban delegation will hold talks with Western officials in Oslo next week about human rights and humanitarian assistance in their first official visit to the West since returning to power, the Norwegian and Taliban government said.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry said on Friday that they had invited Taliban representatives to Oslo from January 23 to January 25.

Norway Newspaper VG said the special representatives from the United States, Germany, England, France, Italy and the European Union were expected to take part. The ministry did not comment on the report of the newspaper.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt stressed that the visit was “not legitimacy or recognition of the Taliban. But we must talk to those in practice regulating the current country.”

We are very worried about the serious situation in Afghanistan, “said Huitfeldt, noting that economic and political conditions have created” full-scale humanitarian disasters for millions of people “facing hunger in the country.

Foreign Minister acted in the Taliban government, Amir Khan Muttaqi, will lead the Taliban delegation to Norway. The trip would be the first time since the Taliban took over the country in August that their representatives had held an official meeting in Europe. They had previously traveled to Russia, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, China and Turkmenistan.

Zabihullah Mujahid, Cultural Deputy and Information Minister Afghanistan, said Muttaqi hoped to hold a separate meeting with US delegates and bilateral talks with European representatives.

Women’s rights and girls in Afghanistan tend to appear prominent in talks, along with Western recurring requests for the Taliban government to share power with ethnic groups and religious minority Afghanistan.

Deputy Minister of Culture Mujahid told the Associated Press news agency on Saturday that the new Afghan ruler aimed at opening schools for girls and women at the end of March, after the new year of Afghanistan.

Education for girls is currently limited outside the seventh grade in all except 10 provinces. In the capital, Kabul, a private and secondary university continues to operate without interruption. Most are small, and class is always separated.

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Taliban delegation meeting with Afghanistan in Norway would include “women’s leaders, journalists and people who work with, among others, human rights and humanity, economics, social and politics.”

Muttaqi was convinced to suppress the Taliban demand that nearly $ 10 billion was frozen by the United States and other Western countries were released.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo said that Afghanistan experienced drought, pandemic, economic collapse and years of conflict years.

According to them, around 24 million people experience acute food insecurity and are not sure how to get enough food. It is reported that one million children can die because of hunger.

It adds that the United Nations estimates that starvation will affect more than half of this winter population and that 97 percent of the population can fall below this year’s poverty line.


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