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Pakistan sleaze: Burqa-clad girl groped in Islamabad; women unsafe in country, says Human Rights Watch

A Pakistani woman who was dressed in Burqa was harassed by an unknown man who groped her from behind the daytime in the capital of the country is Islamabad, a video of an incident that has become viral revealed.

The video buzzed on the internet, showing that the woman walked on the road in Islamabad, Geo TV reported.

According to Geo TV, the incident occurred during the day where a woman, covered with a veil (Burqa), could be seen walking on the road when an unknown man appeared and groped him from behind.The woman in the video can be seen struggling to push the man away from him.After harassing him, he could be seen running away.

Senior journalist Hamid Mir, in response to tweets who posted videos, said that the incident was a challenge for everyone to find the culprit, punish him, and make it a lesson for others.

The Islamic Police Men -Tweet Guarantee, said that officials were handling this case and the SHO concerned contacted.

In May 2022, a video of several men who injured, attacked, and persecuted a woman at Metro Azad Chowk Station in Pakistan had become viral. The woman claimed to be from Turkey.

Last year, a video appeared where a tiktoker in Pakistan accused that hundreds of people beat him and threw him into the air during the country’s independence day celebration on August 14.

Last year, on Pakistani independence day, hundreds of men in the larger Iqbal Park in Lahore attacked a woman, tore their clothes and threw them into the air. The incident video became viral on social media. The woman is a tiktoker.

The report says that more than 70 percent of women are victims of harassment at work in Pakistan and it seems that there is no end of their situation.

Data collected by Pakistani white ribbons, an NGO that works for women’s rights, shows that 4,734 women face sexual violence between 2004 and 2016. Lately, the Pakistani government has passed “protection of harassment at work (Amendment Bill) , 2022 and has floated the provisions that are weaker than the 2010 Law.

Pakistan observed an increase in the ratio of women who worked as a whole in recent years but the country wrestled with the problem of psychological, physical and sexual harassment of women who inhibit their safe mobility and prevent them from stepping out to work.

Pakistan always presents a gloomy and frightening picture when it comes to women’s safety and safety. According to Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) Annual World Report 2022, Pakistan has become the center of many accusations of violation of rights that are broad against women and children. Pakistan ranks 167 out of 170 countries in the Global Women, Peace and Security Index compiled by Georgetown University.

Women, religious minorities, and transgender continue to face violence, discrimination, and persecution, with the authorities failed to provide adequate protection or ask for the perpetrators’ accountability. The government continues to carry out a little to ask for accountability of law enforcement agencies for torture and other serious violations, “HRW, in the annual world report 2022 observed.

Violence against women and girls – including rape, murder, acid attacks, domestic violence, and forced marriages – are endemic throughout Pakistan. Defenders of human rights estimate that around 1,000 women are killed in what is called the murder of honor every year. “

Meanwhile, according to a new police report, in Punjab Province around 41,000 women were reported missing in the last five years, with 3,571 that have not been found so far.


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