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Group politics will lead only to wars, warns Chinese president

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday said “group politics”, “block confrontation” and military alliances will only lead to “war and conflict”, urged the international community to oppose hegemonic practices in what appears to be a covert criticism of the led by the US Organization Agreement Atlantic Utara (NATO), which has long been accused of triggering Russian attacks on Ukraine.

The past tragedy tells us that hegemony, group politics and block confrontation do not bring peace or security; They only cause war and conflict, “Xi said.

Xi seems to use her main speech at the opening ceremony of the BRICS business forum on Wednesday to reaffirm China’s criticism of NATO and support for Russia – without mentioning directly both. China has refused to openly condemn Moscow for attacking Ukraine or calling him an invasion since the beginning of the war.

Sutirtho Patranobis has been in Beijing since 2012, as Chinese Correspondent Hindustan Times. He was previously posted on Colombo, Sri Lanka, where he covered the last phase of the Civil War and as a result. Patranobis covered several beats including health and national politics in Delhi before being posted abroad.


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