Good News

Ex Saudi Officer Claims Crown Prince Wants To Kill Him Because..

A former Saudi intelligence functionary who says Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is out to kill him contended in aU.S. TV interview that he knows of a videotape in which the Napoleon boasted he could kill also King Abdullah in 2014 Saad Aljabri made the claim in commentary to CBS’s”60 Twinkles,” saying that the crown Napoleon, who came inheritor to the throne andde-facto sovereign four times agone, gasconaded at the time that he’d”a bane ring from Russia”that could kill Abdullah by shaking his hand.

CBS said the Saudi government told the broadcaster in a statement that Aljabri”is a discredited former government functionary with a long history of fabricating and creating distractions”to hide fiscal crimes he allegedly committed. The Saudi government’s Center for International Dispatches did not incontinently respond to an posted request for comment after regular business hours MBS’s father, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, assumed the throne after King Abdullah failed in 2015 and remains the sanctioned sovereign.

Aljabri was the right- hand man of Saudi Arabia’s former crown Napoleon and innards minister, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, an elder kinsman and former rival of the current crown Napoleon, who is also known as MBS. After Prince Mohammed gained power, Aljabri settled in Canada, where he lives in exile He filed a civil action in Washington in 2020 professing the MBS stationed operatives in theU.S. to track him down and also transferred a platoon to murder him, weeks after the assassination of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Aljabri suggested that MBS wants him dead because the crown Napoleon”fears my information I anticipate to be killed one day because this joe won’t rest off until he see me dead,”Aljabri told CBS Under the former crown Napoleon and innards minister, Aljabri served as a crucial link between Saudi and Western intelligence services, particularly after the September 2001 terror attacks on theU.S Michael Morell, a former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told CBS that Aljabri saved” numerous”Saudi and American lives in his former intelligence part.

That includes his warning to theU.S. that allowed officers to balk an al-Qaeda terror plot involving package losers fated for two aeroplanes headed to theU.S. in 2010, according to CBS.


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