
Board Exam 2021: How to boost self-confidence in students

It is examination time, and all of the students pressured as they can not eat well and do not get to good sleep.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you choose a fish through its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein.

1. Choose the correct container

The first answer is choosing the correct container. Are we following the herd? Do we trust and braveness to follow our passion, are we in charge, or is a person else driving our bus? Now life is a paradox. Stress is caused while we attempt to control our existence and its outcome.

And also, loss of control is one of the most important causes of stress. So, Let’s see what you may control and what you must not. You may hold your preparation, attitude, time management, priorities, efforts, and expectations.

2. Focus on building the right capabilities:

I understand you’ve tensed approximately your exams as time is ticking, there’s no room for failing, the stress of your beyond mistakes, however, don’t forget one piece of paper does not decide your future. Your capabilities and your knowledge are going to be your key strengths in the future.

Now often we know, for instance, that English is our weak point or we want to practice math each day. I understand how many resolutions you’ve got made every yr to say I am going to enhance my conversation skills in keeping with the instance. Still, we sense so pressured and unmotivated that alternatively, we keep looking at one Instagram reel video after another. Another monk believes that the whole thing happens for a reason, and we must now no longer regret our past.

3. Expand your container:

It means to count your blessings, write a gratitude diary. Second, remind yourself of the way talented and fantastic you’re and consider all of the good things. Three, enlarge your circle of friends to include inspiring and motivating people who trust you.

Keep some emotional distance from human beings that make you sense small, and sharing with your friends allows you to calm down. Four, make your reason more significant by helping the ones that are suffering and that way you recognition much less on your pain, and Five, make more immense your consciousness, create a religious connection to get the strength on the way to deal with the pain.

Now for the bonus tip, focus on one thing at a time. Now, try to manage your attention, focus on the current moment, be mindful and focus on what you can control. In case your awareness is going right here or there, stop, take a break, carry your understanding back to the present moment and maintain going.
Take at least seven hours of sleep, take vitamin C supplements, try to get approximately 10 mins of daylight each day, do some light exercises, sing in the shower and smile a lot.


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